Awesome Annie’s™ Foaming Relief Shampoo soothes achy muscles, general age-related aches, and discomfort and soreness from minor injuries. It also supports healthy blood flow and movement and produces soothing therapeutic relief from swelling and other adverse musculoskeletal painful conditions associated with daily activities and overexertion in horses involved in barrel racing, competitions, backyard exercise, etc.
Awesome Annie’s™ Foaming Relief Shampoo is antibacterial, protective, moisturizing, and hydrating, making it perfect for sensitive skin and coats. It contains natural herbal insect guard, which keeps pesky insects away. Aromatherapy aids in creating a soothing and calming effect, supporting your pet's natural ability to rest comfortably and contently.
- Easy to apply
- Convenient foaming pump dispenser
- No side effects
- Non-addictive
- Gentle
- Non-greasy and non-staining
- Cruelty free/animal friendly
- Made with natural and organic ingredients and essential oils
- Infused with enriched canna bd
- No GMO’s, propylene glycol, parabens, phthalates, phosphates, sulfates, petrochemicals, synthetic or semi synthetic fragrances, PEG’s, toxic/harsh chemicals, dyes, perfumes, or detergents
- Petroleum free
- Safe for cats and small and large mammals
- Made in the USA
- 100% biodegradable
- Veterinary approved and formulated